Thursday, November 21, 2013

Deeply felt, compelling. A Heart Not Easily Broken by @MJKaneBooks #bookreview

Cover links to

A Heart Not Easily Broken

(The Butterfly Memoirs)

Written by M.J. Kane

Genre: Urban Romance

Book Synopsis

Ebony is a smart, sexy, career-oriented black woman who wants nothing more than a summer fling with a man who challenges her mind and body. What she doesn’t expect is a blond haired, blue-eyed bass player—who won’t take “no” for an answer—to accept the challenge.

When Ebony’s attempt at a brief fling turns into more, despite negative reactions from friends and family, she finds juggling love, family, and career are nothing compared to the ultimate betrayal she endures. Now her dreams spiral into lies and secrets that threaten her future and her best friend’s trust.

Curran's Review

A Heart Not Easily Broken is a deeply felt and compelling look at what felt to me a very ‘this moment’ relationship. While interracial dating and marriage is now much more accepted by most segments of society, M.J. Kane very realistically shows us the travails both a young black woman and a young white man will face upon entering into a love affair with a person from a different background. The heroine, Ebony, is well-drawn compelling. She has hopes and dreams and a plan for achieving them.

The hero, Brian, is engaging and attractive and believable as a middle class kid who does not see people in color-blinded ways. His roommate and good friend is African American, he’s dated black girls and white girls, and he is drawn in such a way that this reader applauded herself for living in this new world where Brian and his family have moved past fear and stereotypes. The shocking turn of events with the one character to me who felt somewhat clichéd, Javan, did throw into question Brian’s character, however. Kane had spent the entire book ‘showing’ Brian’s maturity yet when faced with the first real test of his love for Ebony, I think he failed. That said, this was a good solid read about an issue which has been handled in a very moving way. I hope M.J. Kane continues to tackle tough topics.

I also hope she learns that ‘less is more’ and dials back the repetitive details. I think a full 20% of this books description (often boiler plate type descriptions about body parts and clothes) and internal thought could be cut and the book would be a more polished and better paced book. I also think the portrayal of the medication she took to ensure she didn’t keep a possible pregnancy is factually incorrect, an error which she should correct for her readers. But the bottom line is this book moved me because of Ebony’s character. I would recommend it to anyone curious about the state of interracial dating in 2013.

Review Disclaimer: Book provided in exchange for an honest review.

Content Disclaimer: Mature to me is over 16. Graphic rape, lots of sex.

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